INTERVIEW: Grammy Museum Co-Curator Felicia Angeja Viator

Walking through the Grammy Museum’s latest “Hip-Hop America- The Mixtape Exhibit”, flashes of fiery media clips, interactive pods and historic rare artifacts greet the visitor from the jump. Inspecting every display case during its preview a few weeks ago, it’s clear the expertise, care and thought that went into the exhibit’s creation. Wandering through the halls, I luckily connected with one of the exhibit’s co-curators, Felicia Angeja Viator, who brought her vast cultural knowledge and background to the table, ensuring West Coast hip-hop repped throughout.

Author of ‘To Live and Defy in LA’ which chronicles Gangsta rap’s origin story and the vibrant 80’s LA party scene that flourished in the streets and grew to forum events like none other, you’ll find glimpses of her influence throughout like including prominent historical figures like Egyptian Lover and Uncle Jamm’s Army’s imprint reflected around the museum. Peep our interview soundclips below where we chat with the SF State History Professor about LA and Bay Area hip-hop, ‘The Chronic’, being a DJ, the legacy of women in hip-hop throughout the decades and WTF moments with CeeLo!
Felicia Angeja Viator on co-curating the Hip-Hop America exhibit at Grammy Museum
Felicia Angeja Viator on being a mobile DJ and the history of LA hip-hop
Felicia Angeja Viator on The Chronic and the importance of ladies in hip-hop
Felicia Angeja Viator on the Bay Area hip-hop scene and WTF moments with Goodie Mob’s CeeLo Green
Cop Felicia’s ‘To Live and Defy in LA’ HERE and get tix to see the Grammy Museum “Hip-Hop America” exhibit in person, click HERE!
3 January 2024 CARLITA Interviews 80s, bayarea, blog, grammy, hiphop, interview, la, music, rap, sf, women