News // page 18
Interview: Hiatus Kaiyote
As we head into May and Star Wars fans all over the world yell “May the 4th be with you”, one of my top anticipated releases of the year drops TODAY, beginning the month with a bang. Grammy nominated foursome Hiatus Kaiyote’s sophomore album ‘Choose Your Weapon’ is available everywhere in the U.S., providing more airport dancing jams for all (including me who’s previously danced in several terminals to ‘The World It Softly Lulls’ blasting from my headphones). Stumbling upon this Melbourne, Australia based group when they were scheduled to open for D’Angelo and Busta Rhymes at The Summer Spirit Festival in 2013, I’ve loved their unique blend of electro future soul/ jazz with world music influences ever since.
14 May 2015 CARLITA Breaking Bits Interviews Read more
Post Type Release/Album
A professional solution for your music that includes a post type dedicated to your albums/releases. Each release can contain infinite tracks, and each track can be related to infinite authors. The authors are automatically linked to the relative artist page, and in the artist page are listed all the releases where the artist is in.
28 August 2014 CARLITA Music Music Wordpress Theme Uncategorized Read more
Discover The Most Complete Music WordPress Theme Ever
Announcing the most complete and professional music wordpress theme ever. Super effective, super easy to use. The only theme integrated with Beatport, Mixcloud and Soundcloud. Easily manage your albums, artists, events, podcasts and more. Now featuring Slider Revolution and Visual Page Composer.
28 August 2014 CARLITA Music Music Wordpress Theme Uncategorized Read more